Birthstone Collections 2024

Historically, birthstones were believed to possess mystical properties and were associated with various virtues and powers. In ancient cultures, individuals would wear the gemstone corresponding to their birth month as a form of Protection and to bring Good Fortune. The believed Benefits of birthstones often varied across Cultures and Time Periods.


The popular beliefs associated with birthstones include Luck and Protection, Healing and Health reasons, as well as Wisdom and Individuality.

Step into a world of refined elegance with our Birthstone Collection, featuring the stunning Gemstones. Explore a wide array of gemstone jewelry, each piece meticulously crafted to capture the essence of sophistication and exclusivity.


January Birthstone Collection - Garnet

Shop Now - January Birthstone Collection

EBB Jewellery Cerises d'amour Earrings on

Discover the allure of garnets and indulge in their captivating beauty in our Glamorous Gem Stone Library.

February Birthstone Collection - Amethyst

Shop Now - February Birthstone Collection


March Birthstone Collection - Aquamarine

Shop Now - March Birthstone Collection


April Birthstone Collection - Diamond

Shop Now - April Birthstone Collection



May Birthstone Collection - Emerald

Shop Now - May Birthstone Collection



While modern interpretations of birthstones tend to focus more on aesthetics and personal meaning, some individuals still ascribe symbolic significance to their birthstone. Whether worn for their historical and cultural associations, aesthetic appeal, or personal connection, birthstones continue to be cherished as meaningful and unique adornments.


Are you curious about what your Birthstone is? Share with us your personal experiences of wearing your birthstones.

Check out our Birthstone Collection 2024 on


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