Hands up if you'd like Waffles with Ice-cream to welcome the new year 2024!

Hands up if you'd like Waffles with Ice-cream to welcome the new year 2024!

Hands up if you'd like Waffles with Ice-cream to welcome the new year 2024!

Well well well... How was the Xmas Celebration? Have you ordered or made any log cakes or ice-cream cakes during Xmas?

In the Netherlands, December is almost a whole-month-long sweet treats marathon. First comes the Almond pastries and Pepernoten on Sinter Klaas, the ice-cream cakes on Xmas, then the Olieballen for the new year, not to mention the never-ending supply of Apple Pies, Tompouce, Stroopwafel, Spekkoek, Marsepeinen varken and occasionally Macarons!

Beside the readily available sweet treats, here comes our all-time favorite classic Waffle recipe for the New Year to welcome 2024 the sweet way!

Share with us your cooking photos on Instagram (@glamorousmom_europe) if you love the Waffles too. We'd love to hear your cooking stories!

All-time favorite Classic Waffle Recipe

Our All-time Favorite Classic Waffle Recipe


1 serving: 10–12 waffles



250g self-rising flour

150g sugar

3 eggs

¼L beer

125g molten butter

a pinch of salt (if your butter is unsalted)


Cooking Instructions in Steps

- Mix flour, sugar and salt.

- Add the molten butter and eggs into the mixture.

- Mix the beer slowly into the batter till smooth


Ta-da~ the Waffle Mix is ready!

The mixture is ready to be spooned onto a waffle machine.

^Check the Waffle Mixture fluidity from the photo below.


Bake the mixture for about 2 mins.

Our favorite waffle maker is TEFAL.

(If yours is not, do Check your waffle machine instructions for baking time. The heating cycle may vary from different brands.)


Waffle Fluidity Photo

Ideal Waffle Mixture Fluidity


Recipe in Dutch and French

Wafels om van te smullen

250g zelfrijzend bakmeel

150g basterdsuiker

3 eieren

¼L bier

125g gesmolten boter

snufje zout


In een kom bakmeel, suiker en zout mengen. De eieren en de gesmolten boter toevoegen. Geleidelijk het bier toevoegen en het geheel tot een gladde massa roeren. Het beslag is direkt klaar voor het bakken.



Gaufres Delices


250g de farine

10g de levure

150g de sure en poudre

3 oeufs

¼L de biere

125g de beurre fondu

1 pincee de sel

Melanger dans une terrine, la farine, la levure, le sucre et le sel.Ajouter les oeufs et le beurre fondu puis la biere progressivement. La pate est prete a cuire.


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